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60+ Beer Themed Holidays for those Who Adore the Hops & Malt

Writer: Michele BakerMichele Baker

For those of you who love beer in all its forms and flavors, this list is for you! Compiled from multiple web sources, it lists over 60 beer-themed holidays from across the globe. No matter what the season, no matter what the weather, there's probably a good excuse to drink beer coming up really soon. Cheers!


January 1: National Hangover Day

New Years’ Day is dubbed national hangover day, because it’s a universal unspoken tradition to spend the night before drinking your weight in craft beer (We don’t condone this). But we do hear the best way to get over a hangover is to (moderately) drink more. So grab another beer, and drink your hangover away. (Or try these actual remedies for your hangover.)

January 18: Baltic Porter Day

January 24: Beer Can Appreciation Day

Beer Can Appreciation Day is all about appreciating your favorite beer can designs (duh). Head over to your local liquor store, pub, or brewery, and pick up a few of your favorite beers that come in cans! Check out these beautiful beer can designs to help you celebrate!

January 25: Burns Night

January 25 is the anniversary of the birth of Robert Burns. Robert Burns is known as Scotland’s national bard. Burns Night celebrations are all about eating Scottish food, drinking Scottish beer, and listening to Scottish verses.


February: Stout Month

February 2: Groundhog Day

You might be thinking, “What does Groundhog Day have to do with beer?” It doesn’t! But grab some beer and drink it anyways! Check out these beer hogs to give you some inspiration on what to drink this Groundhog Day.

February 13: Super Bowl Sunday (LVI)

What pairs better together than beer and football? We couldn’t think of an answer either. We know you’ll be drinking your favorite brews this Super Bowl Sunday, but what will you be eating? Here are some beer snacks for the big game so that you can fill up on beer and snacks while you cheer on your favorite team!

February 14: Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day is all about love…ing beer! Whether you’re spending Valentine’s Day with a sweetheart or not, here are some great beers to drink while celebrating the day of love.

February 24: World Bartender Day

Head over to your local pub and grab a beer from your favorite bartender and make sure you let them know how much you appreciate them! If you’re a bartender yourself, then cheers to you! Are you an aspiring bartender? Here are some tips to make sure you’re the best!


March 8: International women’s Collaboration Brew Day

March 17: St Patrick’s Day

St. Patrick’s Day. Beer. Need we say more?

March 20: Bock Beer Day

March 23 or 26 (seen this listed on both days): Orval Day

The Orval legend began almost 1,000 years ago, when a princess accidentally dropped her ring into a spring and a trout returned it. It continues now, with a day to reflect on and enjoy amazing Trappist ale. Read more about Orval Day.

March 27: Michael Jackson Day

No not that Michael Jackson! Michael Jackson was actually a famous beer critic who wrote many books about beer and whisky. Celebrate today by picking up your favorite beer and giving it your best review using your JustBeer App.


April 6: New Beers Eve

1920 – 1933 was the period of Prohibition in the United States. No doubt was it a dark time. Thankfully, in 1933 the government came to their senses. On this day in 1933, people lined up around the block at the doors of their favorite public house, anxious to imbibe in the first legal brews since 1920. Ever since that night, this day has been referred to as ‘New Beer’s Eve,’ a precursor of ‘New Beers Day.’

April 7: National Beer Day (USA)

This is the anniversary of the end of Prohibition in the United States. Celebrate on this day and be thankful you weren’t on a dry spell between 1920–1933! Wikipedia covers some additional details of National Beer Day in the USA, but admittedly we’re not sure what the difference is between this holiday and the October 27th, “National American Beer Day.” Another excuse to enjoy beer is alright by us though.

April 11: King Gambrinus Day

King Gambrinus, A.K.A “The King of Beers,” learned how to brew beer from the Egyptian gods Iris and Osiris. The legend states that K.G. sold his soul to the devil to become the first mortal brewer, then outdrank the devil when he came to collect. King Gambrinus once drank for three days and three nights at a banquet, and everyone was so impressed, they crowned him king. He lived to be 100 years old and it was said that he was buried in a beer barrel instead of a coffin. King Gambrinus will always be remembered as an icon of beer, brewing, and joviality. All we can say is, do not try this at home.

April 17: Saison Day

Saisons (French for ‘seasons’) is a traditional pastoral ale originating in the farmhouses of Wallonia, a French speaking population in Belgium. It’s characterized by a low alcohol content, light body, and intense carbonation. Celebrate today by sipping on your favorite Saisons from your favorite local breweries.

April 23: German Beer Day

Drink all of your favorite German beers today! To learn more about German beers, and German beer styles, check out JustBeer University.

April 27: King’s Day in Holland


May 1: National Rotate Your Beer Day

May 5: Cinco de Mayo

The ideal time to try any of the fine Mexican cervezas. Cerveza mas fina. Ole!

May 6: Beer Pong Day

May 7: National Homebrew Day

Today is all for the home-brewers. Try brewing something new, or give all your friends some of your own home-brewed beer so they can celebrate today with you.

May 7: National Lemonade Day – When I lived in Germany, one of my favorite drinks was a Radler (half beer, half lemonade, called a Shandy in the US – maybe this is a day to celebrate lemonade + beer?)

May 16: National American Craft Beer Week

May 23: National Drinking With Chickens Day


June 8: National Name Your Poison Day

June 14: National Bourbon Day (beer geeks enjoy barrel-aged beers on this day)

June 15: Beer Day Britain

June 17: National Stewart’s Root Beer Day

June 25: Organic Beer Fest


July 3: National Independent Beer Run Day

July 4: Independence Day

July 18: St. Arnoldus Day

St. Arnoldus was the patron saint of Belgian Brewers and hop-pickers. Celebrate St. Arnoldus on July 18 by drinking hoppy Belgian brews and eating amazing Belgian beer food pairings.

July 21: Belgian National Day

Belgian National Day is like Belgium’s Independence Day. July 21 is one of Belgium’s ten public holidays, and it’s a holiday that honors King Leopold I, the country’s first monarch, in 1831 after the Belgian Revolution. Celebrate today but drinking great Belgian beers!


August 3 or 4: IPA Day/National IPA Day

Finally, a day dedicated for all you Hop Heads! The first Thursday in August is IPA Day. Celebrate IPA Day by sipping on your favorite India Pale Ale, or step outside the box and try one you’ve never had!

August 4 or 5: International Beer Day

International Beer Day = the best day of the year! Celebrate alone, with friends, or with your dog. We don’t care what you do today as long as you have a cold brew in your hand! And, if you’re throwing a beer-themed celebration, we’ve got you covered with a few ways to decorate your beer party.

August 5: Mead Day

August 7: New Brunswick Day


September 7: National Beer Lover’s Day

September 8: National Sour Beer Day

September 17: First Day of Oktoberfest

Get out your Dirndls and Lederhosen folks! It’s the first day of Oktoberfest! Check out our many Oktoberfest articles to help you get prepared.

September 20: Sour Beer Day

Are you a sour beer lover? This day is perfect for you! Not a sour beer lover? That’s ok! Take today to try to find a sour beer you love.

September 27: Crush A Can Day

Take out all your anger and frustrations on Crush A Can Day! Spend the day drinking your favorite brews with your friends. You know what to do with the empty cans.

September 28: National Drink Beer Day

Drink Beer Day? Isn’t that everyday?


October 3: Last Day of Oktoberfest

The last day of Oktoberfest is always a sad one. End on a high note by drinking your favorite German beers and singing songs with your best pals.

October 9: Beer and Pizza Day

This day is perfect for anyone who commonly wonders “What should I have for dinner tonight?”

October 14: Homebrewing Legalization Day

October 14 is the anniversary of the day that homebrewing was legalized in the United States, thanks to President Jimmy Carter, in 1978.

October 27: National American Beer Day

Today’s the day to whip out all your favorite American beers. The second best American holiday besides the 4th of July, of course…oh, and also second best to the other “National Beer Day” in the U.S. that falls on April 7.

October 31: Halloween

We know that Halloween doesn’t really have anything to do with beer… but let’s drink it anyway! The kids get their candy and the adults get their beer. Here are some of our favorite beers to drink on Halloween night.


November 3: International Stout Day (1st Thursday in November)

Finally a day for all you stout lovers! Not sure about stouts or don’t know anything about the beer style? That’s okay! Learn more about stouts.

November 5: Learn How To Home-brew Day

The first Saturday of November is Learn to Homebrew Day. If you’ve been thinking of getting into home-brewing, today is your day!

November 12: National Happy Hour Day

November 23: Drinksgiving

November 28 (4th Thursday): Thanksgiving


December 1: First Day of Your Beer Advent Calendar

If you’ve ordered a beer advent calendar, this is usually the day you get to open up your first beer and begin your 24 days of drinking! (Some calendars are only 12 days, so you would start on December 12!)

December 3: Crate Day

December 5: National Repeal Day

Did you know that there was a 13-year-long nation-wide Prohibition that criminalized the consumption of alcohol in the United States? On December 5th, the Prohibition (a.k.a. the “Great Experiment”) was lifted and Americans were free to consume alcohol again.

December 10: National Lager Day

Lagers are some of the most popular beer styles in the world. Celebrate today by cracking open your favorite lager beers and learning more about lagers.

December 24: Christmas Eve

December 25: Christmas

December 31: New Year’s Eve

Cheers to the New Year! New Year’s is usually associated with champagne, however, beer is so much better. Don’t believe us? Check out these beers to pop instead of Champagne on NYE!

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